
We have a concise series of straightforward articles that aim to provide clear insights into homomorphic encryption itself and introduce our revolutionary technology by simple words.

Homomorphic Encryption. Part1: Basics, history and use-cases

Actually, the phrase “homomorphic encryption” itself is so niche, that even experts in cybersecurity barely heard about it, or at least will have trouble explaining what it is and how it works. You may do a short experiment, go to your security officer or anyone responsible for IT-security / cybersecurity in your company and ask about homomorphic encryption.

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Homomorphic Encryption. Part2: Existing schemes and programmatic implementations

The article is going to explain all general definitions, complexity and issues of existing HE schemes, also to shed some light on programmatic implementations and their problems, explaining use-cases given in the previous article.

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FHE. “Revolutionizing Secure Computation: An Introduction to Math-Lock's Fully Homomorphic Encryption”

Our team has developed a new, practical, and highly efficient approach to Fully Homomorphic Encryption, and we're excited to share it with you. In our new approach we have fundamentally solved the problem of noise growth by not using it at all. And the security problems are solved by absolutely different ways and approaches. As for computational complexity, we changed the platform for computations and moved out from lattices to matrices of relatively small size which gives huge reduction of computational overhead

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